Monday, December 1, 2008

DC Collaborative Launches “GIVE THE GIFT OF ART” CORPORATE CHALLENGE to support arts education in DC public schools

Today, the DC Arts & Humanities Education Collaborative announces the start of its Give the Gift of Art Corporate Challenge. Square Root Sales ( pledged $1,000, and Senate Realty ( pledged $500, kicking off the campaign to raise $30,000 in corporate support for the work of the DC Collaborative – providing more equitable access to arts education for DC public and chartered public school students.

Ten years ago, a concerned group of individuals from the arts, education, cultural, humanities and philanthropic communities in Washington, DC realized that in order for many students in DC to experience their own city’s cultural and artistic treasures, there had to be a collective effort by members of those communities to make these resources readily available throughout the school year. That signaled the birth of the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative. Since that time, the DC Collaborative’s programs have grown from service to 5,000 students during the 1998-1999 school year to serving more than 30,000 in 2007-2008. It is the commitment of the members and funders of the DC Collaborative to making the arts and humanities a rich and integral part of every DC student’s education that has kept this vibrant organization growing strong.

“Square Root Sales believes in the DC Collaborative’s statement that all students deserve a high quality education, and that high quality education includes the arts,” says Chase Alan Moore, Owner/Principal of Square Root Sales. “We challenge other small and boutique business owners to join us in our effort to support arts education for all students in the Nation’s Capital.”

Through its three programs – Arts For Every Student, the DC Arts Education Initiative, and Professional Development Initiatives for Teachers – the DC Collaborative and its members serve more than 32,000 students, teachers, school administrators and parents each year.

"From the first day we opened our doors, we wanted to be innovative and non-traditional in our approach to business," says Cher Castillo Freeman, managing partner, Senate Realty Corporation. "Two years ago, Senate thought hosting a fundraiser to help local children learn and grow through the arts, which our clients could attend, was a unique way to give back to the community," added Castillo Freeman, “The DC Collaborative’s Give the Gift of Art Corporate Challenge is just one more way for Senate to support our community.”

“The Give the Gift of Art Corporate Challenge offers local businesses of all sizes a specific and unique opportunity to impact the lives and education of thousands of DC students and teachers,” says Varissa L. McMickens, Executive Director of the DC Arts & Humanities Education Collaborative. “We are excited to have the support of Square Root Sales and Senate Realty as we kick off this corporate challenge to help DC students receive greater access to quality education, innovation, creativity, and cultural exchange through the arts and humanities.”

For more information on how your company can join the Corporate Challenge, visit or call 202-204-7751.

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