Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What brings you to DC THIS WEEK?

Perhaps one of my favorite things to do is view the Google Analytics for DC This Week and learn the keywords that bring you to the site. Here's my picks for the most random and stalkerish KEYWORDS, you, the readers typed in this week.

  • das owner of shadow room (DAS! You officially have stalkers. Love it doll)
  • dc this week craiganator (obviously ex boyfriends read my site too, ha! Dude, seriously and I saw the other searches with his name and mine today.)
  • hot dc girls (This isn't that kind of site kiddies)
  • booty fashion (So random)
  • and still the most popular search term: Shadow room (DC's hotspot)
  • most popular restaurant search: Co Co Sala. (I heart Soulheil and Bharet. I'll be their Wednesday night!)
  • most searched person: Lyndsay Rinard and myself (HA!)

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