Monday, June 25, 2012

DC This Week Reader Giveaway - 5 books, 5 readers, 5 days

Summertime isn't just for bar-b-ques and leisurely afternoons at the pool. Summer is a time to spruce up the backyard, add some curb appeal, grow your own bounty and wow your friends with your home-grown food.

DC This Week and Storey Publishing are giving away 5 books to 5 readers this week with topics like cooking with farm fresh eggs to designing a deer resistant garden. How can you win? 

Each day until Friday tweet at both @DCThisWeek and @StoreyPub and tell us what you are planting in your garden this summer to win free summer living books! That's it. We will select one lucky winner each day to receive a free book from the following titles: 

The Beginners Guide to Growing Heirloom Vegetables - Marie Iannotti writes the gardening guide for Marie's garden writing has been featured in newspapers and magazines nationwide, and she has been interviewed for Martha Stewart Radio and National Public Radio.  ($19.95, paperback, Timber Press). 

The Fresh Egg Cookbook - Jennifer Trainer Thompson is the author of numerous cookbooks, including Hot Sauce!  ($14.95, paperback, Storey Publishing) and The Fresh Egg Cookbook ($14.95, paperback, Storey Publishing). She has been featured in Martha Stewart Living magazine and has written for Yankee, Travel & Leisure, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, and other publications. Thompson is the chef/creator of Jump Up and Kiss Me, an all-natural line of spicy foods. 

Dishing Up Maryland (pictured) -  Lucie Snodgrass is an award-winning author whose writing has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, and Vegetarian Times, where she was a regular columnist and contributing editor. She is the author of Dishing Up Maryland ($19.95, paperback, Storey Publishing), and she lives, writes, and cooks on her farm in northeastern Maryland.

Greenhorns: 50 Dispatches from the New Farmers’ Movement - MK Wyle is a young farmer and contributing essayist to Greenhorns: 50 Dispatches from the New Farmers’ Movement ($14.95, paperback, Storey Publishing). A community of more than 5000 young farmers and activists, the Greenhorns are committed to producing and advocating for food grown with vision and respect for the earth. 

50 Beautiful Deer-Resistant Plants - Ruth Rogers Clausen is the author of 50 Beautiful Deer-Resistant Plants ($19.95, paperback, Timber Press), and her Perennials for American Gardens received the 1990 Quill and Trowel Award from the Garden Writers Association. She has also written for the American Garden guide series: Perennial Gardening with the New York Botanical Garden, Annual Gardening with the Missouri Botanical Garden, and Trees with the Chicago Botanic Garden. 

*** Limited to U.S. residents and only one person per household each day can win. 

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