Wednesday, September 29, 2010

SPLEEN Opening Reception this Thursday

Please join us for SPLEEN, an art experience by multi-media installation artist ART CARGO (Jacqueline Levine), sculptor Oreen Cohen and ceramicist Sarah Allison.

Over the course of the month they have invaded the vacant retail space in The Moderno building (12th and U Streets, NW), video documenting their creative process ( SPLEEN examines mankind’s destructive effect on the environment and, in turn, the environment’s reaction to life itself. Tension builds between the convergence of ruptured human debris and a cataclysmic engine that ignites infestation from inside the vessel’s core.


1939 12th Street, NW (at U Street)

Opening Reception: Thursday, September 30th, 7pm-12am

Continued: Friday and Saturday, October 1st and 2nd, 5pm-12am

Open and Free for All

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