Monday, June 14, 2010

DC Charity Spotlight: Carpenter’s Shelter

Carpenter's Circle of Hope

WISH LIST: $100: 2 warm winter coats for women living on the streets; $500: 1 month's supply of milk for mothers and infants in the Residential Shelter; $5000: scholarship for a mother to return to school

On a cold winter night in Alexandria, a local pastor opened his church doors to three homeless men. With just two volunteers and 10 cots, he laid the foundation of Carpenter’s Shelter. Since then, the organization has moved into an 80-bed, mortgage-free emergency shelter and engaged over 1,000 volunteers.

At the Residential Shelter, families find both a temporary home and the help they need to secure a permanent one. Life-skills classes, job-readiness training, and assistance with housing placement are all provided -- as well as school, health, and medical services from the Shelter's community partners. David’s Place day shelter offers showers, phones, laundry facilities, a mailing address, and legal and employment aid to chronically homeless adults; a Winter Shelter provides a warm sleeping place in the colder months. And moving away doesn't mean being forgotten: the Aftercare program offers continued case management and educational opportunities for those living independently.

For 900 homeless and formerly homeless people, Carpenter’s Shelter is more than a building with beds. It is a source of hope for the future. CLICK HERE to DONATE and LEARN MORE.

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