Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Secrety Sherry Society Goes Public

The Secret Sherry Society, a members-only organization which invites everyone to join, is proud to announce the launch of www.secretsherrysociety.com. Current and prospective members can now gather at this interactive site to join the Sherry movement, create their own secret identity complete with an alias, watch videos of Society leaders and celebrity chefs sharing their underground knowledge (watch out for self-destructing messages), and most importantly learn more about these mysterious and unique Spanish wines from Jerez.

More Americans than ever are discovering the versatility and affordability of the fortified wines that can only come from Jerez, Spain: Sherry. While exports of many international wines are down in 2009, Sherry has seen a 50.1% increase in exports to the United States between January and March compared to the same period last year.

Sherry shipments from Spain to the U.S. jumped from just under 320,000 liters in Q1 2008 to nearly 480,000 liters in Q1 2009. The Sherry Council of America attributes the increase to greater consumer awareness, the increased presence of Sherry wines and cocktails in on-premise establishments, and the wine's excellent price point in the weak economy.

While you are clicking through the mystifying quarters of the Secret Sherry Society homepage be sure to explore the “Eight Unknown” room and the lair of “Not-So-Secret Knowledge” where you can read profiles of each Sherry style and learn serving, storing, and pairing suggestions.

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