Friday, March 6, 2009

Saturday night we head to the Lincoln Theatre for the Capitol Movement Project

You can still buy tickets HERE. I've spent many crazy late night sessions at the Lincoln Theatre. One of my good friends works there and I've danced and belted my voice on stage with Tiffany to an empty theatre. Hung out backstage, ignoring the performances, just to chill with the staff and chat it up with the production crew.

Some of my best memories of DC are held there. Saturday night Ms. Goodyear and I are attending the Capitol Movement Project show to start off the night and I hope to see everyone there. I'm actually excited to sit down and view the show like the rest of the audience, rather than watching it backstage. Which if I had to choose, I would watch it backstage, but this just can't be enjoyed any other way than from front of the house (which is what I think it's called in theatre speak).

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