Monday, February 9, 2009

DC Charity Spotlight: Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County


$100: 10 boxes of nails;
$500: 4 windows;
$1000: 5 sets of stairs;
$5000: a complete HVAC system for a new house

The low-income families served by Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County work in, and contribute to, their communities; but without assistance they have no chance of owning their own homes. Living in substandard and unsafe conditions, and paying 50% to 75% of their income for rent, home ownership is a distant dream. But a new townhome community in Burtonsville, MD, will change all that, restoring hope and creating a sense of pride for 24 families in need: they will purchase the simple, decent houses they help to build, receive 30-year, principle-only loans, and undergo training to assist them in maintaining their homes and mortgages. Funding for construction is raised locally and used only in Montgomery County (no financial support is received from Habitat International). More than 500 volunteers, along with steady donations of in-kind gifts – construction materials and services valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars – go a long way toward reducing costs. They also make Habitat homes true community projects. Won’t you become a member of the team?
9110 Gaither Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
(301) 990-0014 ext. 13

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