Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Birthday Recap in Photos. LE FREAK @ Napoleon

Jamie and I.

As and Peter

Me - the birthday girl

As, Melissa, Tiffany and I. Yummmmy cupcakes

Craez and I

Austin and I

Me and Frederick

Gazzie and I

Garai and I

Tosh and Gazzie

Peter and Austin

Elvis and Tiffany

As and Kristin

See rose.................see rose devoured.

Ora and As

Billy and I


LE FREAK in action

As and Melissa.

Melissa, me, Will and As

Tiffany and Will

Billy and Eric

Shani, me, Kristin, Melissa and As

I have no idea who this guy is

Will and I

As and Amit.

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