Sunday, November 9, 2008

NEW Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington hit DC This Week

I was ecstatic this weekend to open up my mailbox (which only happens about once a week and my mailman hates me for it) and what was in store for me? The NEW Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington, which introduces you to the wide world of smaller, local charities – with budgets below $2 million.

Though they comprise about 85% of all nonprofits, the public rarely hears about them because most cannot afford to make themselves heard. Yet dollar-for-dollar, they offer some of the most cost-effective opportunities for philanthropy. If “making a difference” is one of your goals, then excellent smaller charities may be for you.

The DC Charity Spotlight that I feature each week includes several non-profits featured in the Catalogue so I encourage you to go online today and check it out HERE.

And as I always tell my friends, skip drinks and dinner one night which could easily top $100 a person and donate that money to a non-profit. You have no excuses! Prost Jade Floyd

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