Thursday, August 21, 2008

DC Charity Spotlight: DC Public Schools Beautification Day 2008 this Saturday

The annual DC Public Schools Beautification Day was established in 2005 as the official day for a citywide “spruce up” of all DC public school buildings and front grounds in preparation for school opening. This activity, in past years, has been a joint venture of DCPS, parent leaders and community organizations. Efforts include landscaping, trash pick up, light painting, planting flowers and more. Last year, 1700 volunteers populated all DCPS schools to help restore the facilities in preparation for the start of schools!

The DCPS Beautification Day 2008 will take place on August 23, 2008. If you or your group is interested in volunteering, please register here. Serve DC is also looking for volunteers to serve as site managers and assistant site managers. Site managers and assistant site managers serve as the point of contact at individual schools. They are responsible for managing volunteers, supplies and service. Individuals serving as site managers or assistant site managers must attend a mandatory training session. Training sessions will be offered on August 4, 6 and 12 from 6 pm to 8 pm at One Judiciary Square, 441 4th Street, NW. Please email dcpsvolunteers@dc.govVolunteer Site Manager*. with your name and contact information to sign up. Learn more about becoming a Beautification Day

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