Monday, June 30, 2008

DC Charity Spotlight: Interstages Welcomes you to Marvin's Tonight

Continuing on with my weekly tradition of hitting up Marvin's night-after-night I wanted to be sure you all know about the event benefiting Interstages tonight that the phenom Sheldon Scott from Restaurant Marvin put together.

Interstages provides arts and music education after school to 6th-8th grade women in Anacostia. Can you think of a better place to eat a leisurely Monday dinner (avoid weekend crowds, people), enjoy excellent food and drink, and help out a local charity?

The set-up this month is similar to last month's event, which raised over $2100 for Pediatric AIDS/HIV Care Inc. in one night. Sheldon waits tables and donates 100% of his tips to charity. Due to the overwhelming success of last month, Sheldon instituted a 25% match program. If he gets multiple 25% matches, he feels it more evenly spreads the burden of donation among his 'matchers' and ultimately makes the night more profitable! But he'll take whatever his 'matchers' and donators can give.

So this months' charity is none other than our own Interstages --

Interstages: Success is in the Experience

Interstages is a nonprofit after school youth development program designed specifically for middle school girls in Southeast DC. Founded three years ago by two former D.C. Public School teachers, Interstages provides opportunities for early adolescent girls in low-income neighborhoods to discover talents, strengthen and develop skills, and heighten self-awareness, setting the stage for a successful transition into young adulthood. Three key elements make the Interstages model uniquely effective in engaging 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade girls: (1) exclusive focus on early adolescence; (2) academic personalization; and (3) connecting to history through music. Please call (202) 824-0740 to learn how you can get involved!

So, please come anytime between 5:30p and 10:30p but please make sure your reservations are for the 'Tip Out' so it benefits Interstages. And do reserve ASAP seats are limited!

Restaurant Marvin
2007 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009

Thanks So Much and if you have further questions please reach out to Cami Mazard who sits on their Board of Directors.

Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC, 1350 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 850, Washington, D.C. 20005, 202.589.1837

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