Hi, I am extraordinarily pleased to announce that our Grand Opening event this past Saturday was a success beyond all expectation! Please visit our website/gallery and enjoy the pictures of the ribbon cutting, the store, the crowd, the designers/artists, the models, the press, and the energy of the event in general. www.dekkafam.com I want to thank all of those who supported DC Fashion, Art, and Music by buying DEKKA's FAB products! I also want to thank the press for thier efforts, including but not limited to; Daily Candy, TheWashington Post, Fox 5, The Washington Times, DC Modern Luxury, LocalPoint TV, Georgetown and Howard Universities' publication's, and all the others I know I'm missing. More thanks to Christine Cropper of the Greater Washington Fashion Chamber of Commerce, Abigail Casanova of the DC Fashionista Group, EanWilliams of DC Fashion Week, Vinoteca (our wine sponsor for theevent), and all of you who came out to support us! This Saturday we will be featured on the "It's Your Call with Lynn Doyle" TV show on CN8, The Comcast Network! Here's the info:
Todd English's Olives Restaurant, Washington, D.C. - 9:30 pm
FIGHT or FLIGHT : Fabergé Event Featuring DEKKA
On April 15th, we are having a fashion show at The Park @ 14th. We are collaborating with the Paul Mitchell School for hair design (details to be posted on the "events" section of our site shortly www.dekkafam.com ).
We have a handful of other events as well...I'll keep you posted!
Love and Peace,
Joshua Tiktin
C0-Owner, Artist-JMC
(Cell) 240-355-1265
(Showroom) 202-986-1370
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