When Rhonda Buckley opened Sitar Arts Center in the basement of an apartment building, the idea was simple: create a safe, nurturing, after-school environment in the Adams Morgan neighborhood, where 95% of children receive subsidized school lunch.
And let the arts flourish. Well, flourish they did. Since 2003, when it was first featured in the Catalogue, Sitar Arts Center successfully completed a capital campaign enabling it to procure a new facility. Both the range and quality of programs has increased as the Center now includes a theatre, visual art and dance studios, and a multi-media computer lab. Over 300 students a semester choose from 60 classes, 120 private music lessons, and free performances. Collaborations with the Washington Ballet, NSO, Corcoran, Shakespeare Theatre, and Arena Stage, continue to thrive. Classes are open to everyone, regardless of ability to pay. No wonder Sitar Arts Center was a 2006 semi-finalist for the prestigious Coming Up Taller Awards. Visit them online and donate today.
1700 Kalorama Road, NW Suite 101 Washington, DC 20009 202-797-2145 www.sitarartscenter.org |
$100: sponsors 1 Teen Night;
$500: clay and glaze for a year of pottery classes;
$1000: 1 student scholarship for an entire semester
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